
Need someone to design a header and put it on website wordpress header.php properly aligned

Need someone to design a header and put it on website wordpress header.php properly aligned

Need someone to design a header for my website and put it on website header.php properly aligned.
The header must be good quality, must include logo and the desired text with the desired color combinations. Next, you must put it up on the website within the header.php with proper placement.


Need someone to design a header for my website and put it on website header.php properly aligned.
The header must be good quality, must include logo and the desired text with the desired color combinations. Next, you must put it up on the website within the header.php with proper placement.

Skills Required

Php Css Html Wordpress


i will make a nice header for your website, and add it your your wordpress website,
you need to provide me the instruction,
and the login details of the your wordpress website , order now so that i complete is right away thanks

i can provide you with required header design, as you wish. fast turnaround! fast delivery. will need admin access to your blog!

i can do this if you can provide the logo

please share the details so that i can give u 2 options and can final version i will inster that into to the header file as mentioned.

i will design ur wordpress header properly.
fix all other issues also, if any in theme for free.
worked for 200+ happy wordpress clients.
contact for more info. and price quotes.

i can do it for you. please reply if you are interested.


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Bid On Listing Created 10 years ago in Design

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