Looking for a recurring service to download 10M unique file downloads within a 30 days
Could raise the order to monthly recurring if you can meet the requirements for 1st month
Up to 4 new file locations each week
Not interested in executing this job outside of this site, higher price than the max, working with idiots that can't read these requirements, excuses why you can't deliver these results.
No direct messages, pitching me on something outside of these requirements, bidding by email/DM/carrier pigeon
If you want the work, bid below.
Looking for a service to download a 80Meg file
Unique IP every 24 hours for each link
Geo Targeted from North America- US, Canada
Prefer rotating mobile browsers agents with at least 5 different downloading app signatures
a test run of 10k will be executed to make sure the config is proper
Willing to pay a small fee to execute the test if needed