
Someone to Boost Ad Earning (Traffic)

Someone to Boost Ad Earning (Traffic)


We have been running websites for a while now and a lot of our websites earn it's revenue through advertising. We are now planning on expanding our network to buying a lot more domain names and building websites as that is our other expertise (web design).

Because of our expansion, we are finding it hard to keep track on the traffic going through our site and keeping up the marketing with our sites. So..... We have finally decided to outsource commission based jobs to whom ever can fill the positions of our websites.


- Marketing and Advertising on one of our sites

We are looking for someone who has real experience in marketing and advertising. As stated above we mainly earn from the ads we place on our sites. This person should be able to promote our site (search engine) and should only use real means of advertising.

This website is partnered with Google and other ad networks which have strict computers that detect fake traffic. So please only people who are serious and have passion with marketing / advertising.


- Because of not knowing how much we are likely to earn on ads. Our offer is that every month we will find out how much we have earned from the site that you are marketing and you will receive a 40% share of the profits.

- We can pay via these methods.... SEO Clerks, Bank Transfer/ Wire and also Cheque.

PLEASE ONLY PEOPLE WHO ARE PASSIONATE ABOUT MARKETING AND ARE SKILLED MARKETERS. If we feel that you are not being serious then contract will be terminated. We will also send out a contract to put everything in writing which will only require your signature to make it legal binding.


PLEASE ONLY PEOPLE WHO ARE PASSIONATE ABOUT MARKETING AND ARE SKILLED MARKETERS. If we feel that you are not being serious then contract will be terminated. We will also send out a contract to put everything in writing which will only require your signature to make it legal binding.

People who are experienced in marketing

Skills Required

Marketing Emailmarketing Advertise Adsense Traffic Socialmedia Socialmarketin Socialnetworks


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Bid On Listing Created 8 years ago in Traffic

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