Hello. I need 1M (1.000.000) per day. It must be CHINA pop-under TRAFFIC ONLY and if it comes from facebook, twitter, google (or to set a custom reff) it will be good.
I don't mind if it's Jingling or other.
1. It's not anything adult related
2. You must accept POP-UNDER
3. I want just China traffic
4. I want 1M (minimum) per day pop under CHINA traffic
5. It can be any kind of traffic (jinling, traffic exchange,etc) but I want it to be CHINA and to have a custom ref (Facebook, Twitter, Google, etc)
1. ONLY China pop-under Traffic
2. Minimum 1M daily
3. It will be good if it comes from Facebook/Google/Twitter/etc
4. Custom REF (if it doesn't come from Facebook/Google/Twitter/etc)
(it's ok with jingling or other traffic exchange sources)