
Need someone to improve my starmeter rank on IMDb

Need someone to improve my starmeter rank on IMDb

Would like to improve my IMDb starmeter ranking. Need approximately 8,000-10,000 page views per day consistently. blog reviews, Sponsored Tweets, Squidoo, and Hubpages also help.


Contact me if you have experience improving starmeter ranking on IMDb.
1.Need approximately 8,000-10,000 page views per day consistently.
2. blog reviews
3. Sponsored Tweets
5. Hubpage

Skills Required

Traffic Pageviews Sponsoredtweets Squidoo Hubpage Blogreview


hello, i think i can help you achieve what you are trying to aim. i will provide 10,000 daily visits, social network advertising (that is the most important for imdb, example: 5000 facebook,twitter shares, if these people have 300 friends at least that makes 1500000 views!) and multiple hubs.


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Bid On Listing Created 12 years ago in Traffic