
I need to build a web site like

I need to build a web site like

I need to build a web site like

Please let me know your plan to build it (technical details), similar sites you built in the past (success stories), and your best quote and time frame (terms and conditions).

Please study the site thoroughly before making the bid. Thank you.


In addition to what that site currently has, I need this feature that allows direct posting to twitter and facebook from within the site itself with a button, rather than having to copy and past the content and go to twitter and facebook to do the posting manually. Also, the button trigger post should automatically include a hashtag to the end of the posted message.

Skills Required

Coding Web


give me your domain name as like before.50% advance my paypal.

thank you.

make web design property and element

if you are willing then please have a session with us


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Bid On Listing Created 10 years ago in Solo Ads

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