I need 5500 Soundcloud like and 700 repost among few tracks .. I need seller who are capable to provide 10000(10K) soundcloud like,repost,follower. who bid less and the soundcloud like and repost should stay 60+ days. I'll choose them. happy bidding... Ignore rest> IF I'm satisfied I'll order regularly... I've huge order.. If you wanna make big money just give quality service....
soundcloud account creator bot.. BOt should have some features
1. Using public proxies
2. Using random email address ( username at yopmail com)
3. profile pic uploading option
4. location
5. random username
akldf kdfjdk f dkf dkf dfj kdf jkdf kdf fkdjfk dfjkd fd kfdkjfkd fs fs kdf kdfs fjslkdf jslalfkjdl fkadfl ksdjf ksdfjk sdjf kdsfjl adfj lsjf hello how r u , can you do this job for me or do you have working bot, sell me at cheap price
1. pro pic must needed
2. real looking
3. 60+ days guarantee
i can register them for you in a lot of...
it does everything except profile picture work.... if u want inbox me
i have a very good soundclout bot which can fulfill all your requirements you mentioned in your gig.thank you.
i can gives u soundcloud accounts...... 1000 in 10$ if u want