
i need vote 50 vote here , process is given below

i need vote 50 vote here , process is given below

Here is the process ,each vote should br from unique ip address

Step 1: Watch the video from beginning to end. (It can be muted, but it cannot be fast-forwarded. It MUST be played in its entirety)
Step 2: Click the blue button that says, "Listen to John Mayer." -> Click "Look" tab-> And then click through every photo (113 photos. You must click the first photo and then use the right arrow key on your keyboard to go through all of them. You must let each photo load.)

Every time you do this with a unique IP address, I should be getting 380 points per IP address. That means if you do this for 200 times like I will order, I should at least get 75000 points. Currently, I am at 35000 points. So, if you do this right, I should have over 100,000 points by the end.

Do we have a deal?. Please contact me if you are confused. You won't see the points going up on your side. Only I can see the points


If you do this right i'll give you order for upto 200 vote

Skills Required

Vote Votes Contest Promotion Social Media Marketing


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Bid On Listing Created 12 years ago in Social Networks

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