
Looking for social media manager for Shopify my store

Looking for social media manager for Shopify my store

Combines marketing and social media management skills to architect and enhance company social media presences, including interacting with customers, promoting brand-focused interactive and engaging content, and expanding opportunities for revenue. Works with social media team members to create innovative social media campaigns.
1-20$ is the budget... Might be able to bum it up a little more.


  • Creates marketing and social media campaigns and strategies, including budget planning, content ideation, and implementation schedules
  • Ensures brand consistency in marketing and social media messages by working with various company department members, including advertising, product development, and brand management
  • Provides training and guidance to social media and marketing team members on social media implementation best practices and strategies
  • Collects customer data and analyses interactions and visits, plus uses this information to create comprehensive reports and improve future marketing strategies and campaigns
  • Reports progress to senior marketing management
  • Grows and expands company social media presence into new social media platforms, plus increases presence on existing platforms including Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, and Instagram
  • Researches and monitors activity of company competitors
  • Creates and distributes engaging written or graphic content in the form of e-newsletters, web page and blog content, or social media messages
  • Experience is a plus

Skills Required

Strategy Creative Marketin Advertis Online


i have read the job functions of handling your shopify account and trust me, i am the perfect person for this job. top communication skills and ability to create engaging contents is one not easy to come around.

chat me up once you've ordered, so we can kick-start this job.


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Bid On Listing Created 5 years ago in Social Networks

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