
Looking for someone to promote my programming videos on various Reddit subreddits.

Looking for someone to promote my programming videos on various Reddit subreddits.

I have currently found 5 programming subreddits to promote in but hoping to find 2 more, so we can post in each subredit only once a week to avoid spamming each subrredit.
Basically each day just promote on one of the 7 subreddit ,rotating each subredit daily.
So in 7 days, we will have promoted once in each video, and we can redo the cycle
for next job.

Each video will be different for each subreddit, so we should track which videos we used.

I am hoping to find someone for long-term position, as I have a lot of videos I want to promote, and this could be a weekly position ( as long you are doing the job correctly).
Even better if you can promote in other locations.


- I have found 5 subreddits to promote in, so you need to find 2 more if possible
- Post only one link daily (subreddits will be rotated) and different video each day
- Keep track of which video was posted in which subreddit, so to avoid duplicates
- send me the link posted daily so I can upvote as well
- try to upvote if you can

Skills Required

marketin reddit promotio


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Bid On Listing Created 5 years ago in Social Networks

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