
VOTES Need on Online Competiton / Poll

VOTES Need on Online Competiton / Poll

Hi I need 25,000 VOTES on a website to win a contest.

It must be 25,000 Votes with unique IP addresses, 90% from USA , 10% Europe and South America.

Also, for a separate order, I need retweets and favorites on tw*ets from real looking accounts with No if you know anyone doing that let me know! thanks!


Hi I need 25,000 VOTES on a website to win a contest.

It must be 25,000 Votes with unique IP addresses, 90% from USA , 10% Europe and South America.

Also, for a separate order, I need retweets and favorites on tw*ets from real
looking accounts with No if you know anyone doing that let
me know! thanks!

Skills Required

Vote Voting Traffic


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1000+ Twitter Retweets For 5$

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Bid On Listing Created 7 years ago in Social Networks

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