
Beta Test our Chrome Extension

Beta Test our Chrome Extension


We just launched a chrome extension that allows you to get 10 additional copy and paste shortcuts.

We are looking for beta testers to try the extension and provide a feedback.
(Not a rating but a private feedback)


Please note you will need to have chrome

Skills Required



have a wonderful day.

i do use chrome browser. i can do this work easily and i shall provide you a private feedback.


i am a usertesting expert i would like to test your chrome and feedback you about the good side and flaws so the extension in an easy manner

yes, sir, i am ready!

i can provide feedback and testing this extension .

i can provide you with 5 feedbacks from 5 different users in 5 different locations and 3 countries

hi, i can provide feedback and testing this extension .


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Bid On Listing Created 8 years ago in Social Networks

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