
Need someone to comment, follow, and retweet+ like on twitter with 4K different accounts

Need someone to comment, follow, and retweet+ like on twitter with 4K different accounts

I need someone to Rt, fav, and comment "XB1 Entry" on a post on twitter with 4K accounts. As well as follow, and funnel all the dms back to one email.
i know this is a lot to ask so I am willing to pay $50 if necessary, just make sure you can do it.
this is the tweet you need to comment on:

this is is the twitter you need to follow 4K times:

funnel all DMs to the email I will provide.

I will want the username and password of just one of the twitter accounts used, my choice. (This will be picked maximum a week after job is completed)


Must be able to do what is listed in description
cheapest seller with all requirements met will receive my business.

Skills Required

Socialmedia Followers Likes Retweets Comments Email Twitter


hello sir, i will give you twitter with 4k different accounts service. 100%please give me job.. . i will give you quick delivery.

instant delivery
order now to get a high quality work
if you want to have my twitter account, i will sell it
totally usa followers****

have a wonderful day.

i shall provide you real and worldwide and active ip and active geo location based and unique twitter profile based 4000 twitter followers or 4000 twitter favorites or 4000 twitter retweet as per your necessary.i shall provide you only the numbers to increase matter. you will check the username from your profile.i sh

thank you sir .

if you give me permission to work in accordance with your instructions, then you and i will ever grateful

1. 100% real

2. non-drop granted service

3. 100% active

4. all are manual

5. safe for your channel.
if you want real & good jobs please order me


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Bid On Listing Created 8 years ago in Social Networks

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