
2000 Retweets and 2000 Favorites > 2016 Sept 05

2000 Retweets and 2000 Favorites > 2016 Sept 05

2000 Retweets and 2000 Favorites to Split on 4 Tweets.

500 RT and 500 Fav on Tweet 1
500 RT and 500 Fav on Tweet 2
500 RT and 500 Fav on Tweet 3
500 RT and 500 Fav on Tweet 4

The work must begin, immediately, Today.

Please -- The retweets & favs must not come from accounts with the Chinese, Arabic, Hebrew or other alphabet. The accounts must contain the Roman alphabet "a-b-c-d-e-f-g...h-i-j-k". We will not pay for retweets & favs from accounts with the Chinese, Arabic, Hebrew or other alphabet.

If you are good, we will need more work.

We're looking for someone who is fast with a lot of experience.


Let us know if you can begin the work, immediately, Today.

Skills Required

Twitter Favorites Favorite Favourite Favourites Retweet Retweets


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Bid On Listing Created 9 years ago in Social Networks

Other jobs by MMARingGirl

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