
I WANT 1900 Twitter FAVORITES and 700 RETWEETS

I WANT 1900 Twitter FAVORITES and 700 RETWEETS

- Deliver whitin 2 Days
1.3k favorites and 300 retweets for link 1
400 retweets for link 2
600 favorites to link 3
-If i like you work i will order more in future .
-NO dropable.
-NO Addmefast
-100% guaranteed work.


- Deliver whitin 2 Days
-NO dropable.
-NO Addmefast
-100% guaranteed work.

Skills Required

Instagramservi Twitterfollowa Twitter Retweets Socialmedia Socialmarketin Social 100klikesperda Facebook Instagram Favorites Seo Traffic Vkfollowers Youtube Facebooklikeso Likes Followers


1900 twitter favorites and 700 retweets
100% non drop

i can give you 1900 twitter favorites and 700 retweet.

1. 100% real, original and safe.
2. 24/7 customer supper.
3. delivery within 2 days.
4. high quality profiles.
5. you can get them just with $12.

i hope you will like that...
please order now...


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Bid On Listing Created 9 years ago in Social Networks

Other jobs by Andybucaille

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