Seeking for a part-time virtual assistant to manage
1 personal social media account + 7 corporate social media accounts = 8 accounts
Monthly payment - long term cooperation
Each account needed to be finished the following tasks each day-
Facebook - 2 post/day (with images, links or hashtags) x 8 accounts
Twitter - 2 tweets / day (with hashtags) x 8 accounts
Google+ - 2 posts / day (with images, links or hashtags) x 8 accounts
LinkedIn - 2 updates/day x 8 accounts
Pinterest - 2 updates/day x 8 accounts
Blog posting - 1 updates/day x 8 accounts
Each account :
30-day social media content x 8 accounts
12 post-a-day social media schedule x 8 accounts
Deliver 30 entries in a spreadsheet x 8 accounts
To use royalty-free and can-be-used-commercially stock photos.
To use only appropriate images but if you need specific pictures, you will need to provide them yourself.
Writing Business Thought Leadership Polite Manner Creative Thinking
i am professional social media marketer.
i will manage your social media account.
and finished the following tasks each day-
facebook - 2 post/day (with images, links or hashtags)
twitter - 2 tweets / day (with hashtags)
google+ - 2 posts / day (with images, links or hashtags)
linkedin - 2 updates/day
pinterest -
i will manage your 8 account ...
facebook - 2 post/day (with images, links or hashtags)
twitter - 2 tweets / day (with hashtags)
google+ - 2 posts / day (with images, links or hashtags)
linkedin - 2 updates/day
pinterest - 2 updates/day
blog posting - 1 updates/day
order me now
our professional crew is ready to work on your project
choose the best crew that is capable to handle your project and execute it to your satisfaction
ready to do same kindly appoint me
i' m seo expert & having great writing skills
order now