
Tell me proccess how sellers give 1000-2000 twiterr folowers to buyers

Tell me proccess how sellers give 1000-2000 twiterr folowers to buyers

I saw many services hat provide thousands of followers for $5 and above.
I want to make such service too but don't know what soft wares or sites are used.
so whoever pm me the process I'll pay 5 - 10$


should provide software of sites if any

Skills Required

twitter followers


payment first. information after.

if you need to know i am hare.and you need the method i will give you.

  • Media
    Ahove Level X5
  • order now!


    just hit order and i can give you imicro scripts which can get you genuine followers!


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    Bid On Listing Created 12 years ago in Social Networks

    Other jobs by pravin