
Create 100 Google plus one votes and 100 google plus shares

Create 100 Google plus one votes and 100 google plus shares

Create 100 Google plus one votes and 100 shares from scratch with screen sharing/remote desktop on. Google plus votes need to stick and stay there.

Amount will be released after 4-5 days if google plus votes and shares stick and are not from spamed accounts.

Let me know if you have skills to achieve this.


Note: I do not want the votes from scammed google plus accounts which disappear after few days.

Skills Required

Searchenginesu Facebookfansel Googlewebmaste


order now..if vote not count dont need to payment

i will give you 100 g+ vote & 100 g+ shares

real votes no drop real service main provider

Bid On Listing Created 9 years ago in Social Networks

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