Make sure these comments won't drop like other services on here. Make sure that are on topic with the video, and I will explain what the video is about so you can start your work. If they drop, redo your work if they drop!
Don't use addmefast or like4like!
Don't use bot systems.
Make sure i won't get banned.
Make sure that they coming in realistically.
I am ONLY willing to pay 250 dollars.
All you need is the skill at youtube comments, and make sure they are non-drop.
300 youtube non-drop comments
hello dear sir order me now.
10 youtube non-drop comments
plz order plz ! ! !
order me now please sir/madam
you tube views non drop views
order me now
have a wonderful day.
i will give you real and worldwide and different ip and location based different people 6000 generic comments for your you tube video. i will take 30 days to finish this work and all comments will be generic and from active you tube profile.
6,000 youtube non-drop comments
6,000 youtube non-drop comments
i will optimize video to rank at page 1 in youtube when someone searches for your keyword.
see my services here