
Promote a crowdfunding campain in Top Blogs, FB pages, Twitter, Mailing

Promote a crowdfunding campain in Top Blogs, FB pages, Twitter, Mailing

We need real people, with profile investor worldwide to invest in a equity Crowdfunding campaign focused in a Tech solution for Sports.

We need to spread the link ASAP worldwide and REAL PEOPLE INVESTING on the campaign. If you think you can arrive to millions of people and that the campaign get's the funding requested in less than 1 week make us your proposal. Our maximum reward is 500€.

Prefered countries to spread the word: Arabian Emirates, UK, Russia, China, Corea, Japan.

Tell us how much you can do.


The requirements are:

Arrive to real people.
Make quality posts and a good communication.
Get real traffic from Arabian Emirates, UK, Russia, China, Corea, Japan.
Traffic that has activity and donate or invest in the equity Crowdfunding Campaign.
Before 27 March, get the minimum funding required of 750.000€.

If you complete, you will get the reward, just contact us if you can get real human traffic and you think it is possible for you to achieve.

Skills Required

Real visitors Realfbfanslike Youtubeseoskil Facebooktraffi Facebooklikeso Safe traffic adsense Twitterfollowa


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Bid On Listing Created 10 years ago in Social Networks

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