We are looking to hire 7 or so people from all around the world covering time zones and 24 hour tech support as well as workers to help with the updates and upkeep.
Click Here to see our Micro Task website Work Exchange Social
We do ask that you please read this I Want Ad because I cant have people not reading the emails and messages from my customers, if your are sending message that fast because some ones hiring chances are im not hiring you so save us both time.
Please at least Go to the website signup and look around then write me a message including some reasons why you believe you can help with this site, why you would be good tech support for this site.
Also I need someone who is understanding of the type of jobs on this website and the rules of the website so to approve and disapprove of gigs and jobs and experience with micro task website is wanted!
You went to the website and signed up, you completed some jobs and have a positive rating showing you know how to do this stuff, if you have a really good past record with this stuff or you can provide a good enough resume then by all means skip this step but if not please put some work in before asking you can always keep the money you earn while doing the jobs!
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