
SNS marketing needed

SNS marketing needed

i have one site to sell lingerie products and want to promote at facebook,twitter,pinterest,youtube and google+.

if you are good at SNS marketing,pls contact me and show your strategy with guranteed results.we are a compay,so we have the enough budget.I just want the the great strength of the capability.

pls feel free to contact me if you can do it and show me some samples.thank you


i have one site to sell lingerie products and want to promote at facebook,twitter,pinterest and google+.

if you are good at SNS marketing,pls contact me and show your strategy with guranteed results.we are a compay,so we have the enough budget.I just want the the great strength of the capability.

pls feel free to contact me if you can do it and show me some samples.thank you

Skills Required

Facebooktraffi Facebookservic Facebookfanpag Facebookaccoun Twitterfollowa Twitter Pinterest Youtubeservice Youtubeseoskil


i will promote your site on craigslist and other popular classified ads website and bring traffic directly to your site to increase sales.

please give me a trial job so i can prove to you the quality of my service. i have bid a cheaper price.

Bid On Listing Created 11 years ago in Social Networks

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