Hi I need custom twitter tweets ( mentions )!
Different tweets (1 tweets - 1 profile ) , I will provide you with tweets txt file... I need a lot of tweets,
BUT all profiles MUST be old, active twitter accounts with picture , bios and followers (at least 100+).
NOT using addmefast or youlikehits!
I will order a lot! I need total 1000-2000 tweets!
Please bid as soon as possible, how many different tweets you can do for 1-2-3$ ?!
Thank you,
Great Regards,
You can bid for same tweets too BUT NOT sites like ADDMEFAST using for this work!!!
WITHOUT ADDMEFAST or sites like that!!!
i guarantee you that tweet will get 100+retweets and if you include your username in that tweet then you will get 100+ followers
need 2$ for 500 high quality and permanent twitter retweest within 24hr........thnxs
i can tweets your site by real and active profiles
i can provide you with custom twitter tweets ( mentions ) from 4 different twitter accounts (1 tweet - 1 profile ). all accounts have over 5k followers (real) and are over 1 year old.
for $10 i will give you 5 tweets a day from each account for a week
my accounts are https://twitter.com/osnapitzsamuel and https://twitter.com/bibbleswibble
all followers are real and active