
1000 Social Signal From GOOGLE PLUS,FACEBOOK,TWITTER,LINKEDIN, PINTEREST (Permanent) For My Websites

1000 Social Signal From GOOGLE PLUS,FACEBOOK,TWITTER,LINKEDIN, PINTEREST (Permanent) For My Websites

Hi Freelancer ,
I need some one who can social bookmark for a list of website. I will give total 10 to 20 url per order. You need to social bookmark those website with ?GOOGLE PLUS,FACEBOOK,TWITTER,LINKEDIN,PINTEREST. Total Social Bookmark Signal will be 1000. If I'm satisfied with this job, i will order regularly.
Thanks you


Here are requirements
Real and Different users
Different IP Addresses
Those Social Bookmark must be permanent
The job need to be done about 2 days.
The job need a report when finishing

Skills Required

Social Bookmark


get real and permanent facebook fanpages photo post status video album likes. instant start and fast delivery. order now. thanks

i will provide
200 google plus votes for only 1$
300 fb share for 1$ only
1000 reetweets for 1$ only
150 linkedin share for 1$ only
150 pinterest for 1$ only
you can split minimum order 20 per link

i provide you 1000 facebook social signal

have a wonderful day.

i will provide you real and worldwide and active profile based google plus,facebook,twitter,linkedin,pinterest-1000 from unique ip and location based.


i will provide you 1000 google plus,facebook,twitter, pinterest in your websites for $15.

if you want order me.

Bid On Listing Created 9 years ago in Social Bookmarks

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