
Android App SDK Update needed for aab or apk file

Android App SDK Update needed for aab or apk file

Have only aab and apk file, need fix this below error; Issue found: Violation of User Data, Permissions and APIs that Access Sensitive Information Policies We have observed that your app is using an SDK that is designed to collect device location by default. This SDK can result in your app violating the prominent disclosure and consent and/or approved purpose requirements of Google Play’s User Data and Permissions and APIs that Access Sensitive Information policies. You are hereby requested to provide evidence of your compliance with the Prominent Disclosure and Consent requirements. Your app submissions will be rejected pending your action. Issue details We found an issue in the following area(s): Version code 1000007: SDK: Startio com.startapp:inapp-sdk (consider upgrading to version 4.10.1) To bring your app into compliance, follow these steps: Verify that your app accesses, collects, uses, and shares (including with SDKs) device location only for approved purposes and in compliance with the applicable prominent disclosure and consent requirements of the above-mentioned policies. Do not enable SDK data collection if it violates these requirements. Submit an appeal of this rejection and attach evidence (e.g. screenshots or a video demonstration of the in-app prominent disclosure and consent experience) of your compliance with the Prominent Disclosure requirements. In the alternative, you may consider removing the SDK code designed to collect personal and sensitive user data by default, or moving to an alternative SDK or version which includes the appropriate technical mechanism to ensure that end user consent information collected by apps is honored. You may consider upgrading to a policy-compliant version of this SDK, if available from your SDK provider or removing the SDK. Google is unable to endorse or recommend any third party software. Startio com.startapp:inapp-sdk: Consider upgrading to version 4.10.1 of the SDK.


Ability to use only aab or apk file and update sdk, no other files available. Can use methods like decompile edit sdk and recompile

Skills Required

android apk aab sdk java flutter anroid studio jadx decompiling


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Bid On Listing Created 1 year ago in Programming

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