I need a simple project with a Web UI interface (PHP Backend + Bootstrap/jQuery for UI Frontend) to edit and show information from a Google Sheet data source.
1. Project Data source is Google Sheet based and a sample structure is available here:
https://docs.google.com/spreadshee...edit?usp=sharing (NOTE! Please make a file copy for performing Write operations!)
Columns market in yellow should be editable in the UI interface:
Columns in grey should be used for reading and display information in the Web UI
2. Create a modern Web UI interface with PHP backend to read data from the Google Sheet source, sheet: "ReadInfo"
Sample UI (Bootstrap/jQuery based):
3. Create a modern Web UI interface with PHP backend to persist data to the Google Sheet source, sheet: "WriteInfo"
Sample UI:
4. The software release package containing the Web UI specific pages + PHP backend scripts will include also all the necessary release notes/installation guide in English.
hi, create a web ui interface to edit/show info from google sheet data source.
let me know.
web ui interface to edit google sheet data source, as we discussed.