
Build Online Radio Station APP

Build Online Radio Station APP

Go ahead and bid hire or lower, not sure what to price this at.

Android and IOS.
Using SAMCLOUD for broadcasting. Have API's etc.
All features currently supported required like song requests, play songs would like also

extra features:
Listener Chat, User sign up/log in/Create account via social, Artists able to Submit Music for radio play (MP3 File), Play music while app is closed is very important, Connect to other streaming services maybe? Like car audio etc.

Let me know what you can do and we'll sort it out and get it all right. Ready to go right away


Listener Chat, User sign up/log in/Create account via social, Artists able to Submit Music for radio play (MP3 File), Play music while app is closed is very important, Connect to other streaming services maybe? Like car audio etc.
Android and IOS.
Using SAMCLOUD for broadcasting. Have API's etc.
All features currently supported required like song requests, play songs

Skills Required



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Bid On Listing Created 7 years ago in Programming

Other jobs by x2genzy

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