
Subway Surfer Project

Subway Surfer Project

I have a "Subway Surfer" Source Code, and would like a professional to take a look at the code.
It does not look like an Android Source Code, so im guessing it would need to be converted through Unity and an APK file also created.

I will send you the source code for you to take a look at, and then tell me what is required to publish this to the Android App Store. I will need a new icon, possibly reskin (Background) and New Name for the Game. Plus my Admob or Chartboost ads intergrating into the code.


Someone with UNITY Knowledge and App Development

Skills Required

Android Sourcecode Unity Programming


i'll help you out with this 100% guaranteed satisfaction

hello, i'm very interested in this job. i can fix or change any thing as you wish. integrate ads, change background, and create new "attention grabbing" app icon. view my profile i'm perfect for this.


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Bid On Listing Created 8 years ago in Programming

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