
Wordpress Errors correcting below issues

Wordpress Errors correcting below issues

Hi there.
I have the theme installed, but have the following issues:

1) Messaging Service: Users can send messages / Private messages but the receiver only receives a notification that they have received a message. When they login to open message No message is visible.
2) I have uploaded 6 "Category images" but they are not visible on home page.
3) When loading the page or refreshing the page i see the "meta" for a brief second at the top of the screen.
4) The two tabs on the home page for "How it works" and "sign up" are transparent and would need tab colour changing so that they stand out.

I can send you the link to the homepage for you to check. If you can do these issues, please let me know.


Hi there.
I have the theme installed, but have the following issues:

1) Messaging Service: Users can send messages / Private messages but the receiver only receives a notification that they have received a message. When they login to open message No message is visible.
2) I have uploaded 6 "Category images" but they are not visible on home page.
3) When loading the page or refreshing the page i see the "meta" for a brief second at the top of the screen.
4) The two tabs on the home page for "How it works" and "sign up" are transparent and would need tab colour changing so that they stand out.

I can send you the link to the homepage for you to check. If you can do these issues, please let me know.

Skills Required

Wordpress Fixwordpress



i am nishant shah have an experience in wordpressinstallation and customization, woocommerce customization and other ecommerce cms.

i have worked on various themes including kleo, divi and others, wordpress demo install work and solving wordpress errors.

portfolio site - https://twowayres

i can fix the issues noted in your ad.

for any query or portfolio, feel free to ask.

hi i am shoaib ghulam i am professional web developer and i can fix your error

i have a large amount of experience trouble shooting plugin conflicts and other wordpress issues which can cause errors. in order to address the issue, i will need cpanel or ftp access to the web hosting account as well as a wordpress admin account.

i guarantee i can solve these issues or i will refund your purchase

hi i am working for web design + wordpress design.
i will fix all the errors of your wordpress site.
if you need the best service contact now . thanks
best regards mamun.

we have experience in cms like wordpress, joomla as well we have worked on core php and blogging .....we have done many projects based on e-commerce as well as informative sites . now we are growing company and deliver fast and perfect work to client our in-house development team boasts a combined experience of more than 25 yrs among them along w


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Bid On Listing Created 8 years ago in Programming

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