
Need a wordpress bug to be fixed

Need a wordpress bug to be fixed

Kindly note that the contact form at my website( is unable to submit the details and eventually the leads are not delivered to my email inbox.

I want the same to be fixed.


Kindly note that the contact form at my website( is unable to submit the details and eventually the leads are not delivered to my email inbox.

I want the same to be fixed.

Skills Required



i can fix your contact form problem.
please contact me before ordering.

i will fix the problem in just few minute, contact form/emaail setup/webmail check/

just contect me first...

hello ninjaz

greetings of the day!

i am happy to assist with my expert services. please have a look on my work on this link:

waiting for your warm response.

gurwinder a

i can fix all wordpress bugs and issues including contact form and theme issues within short time

hello sir,
i"m sohel rana, expert in wordpress,
thank you,
order me

hi, ninjaz . i can be fixed your bug problem. so if you want to solve your problem, i will help you.

hello sir,

i am nishant shah have an experience in wordpress customization and developing the php application. i am working on various php application.


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Bid On Listing Created 8 years ago in Programming

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