Hey guys,
i looking for someone that can fix my ajax issue im having with my wordpress. my wordpress is ajax and im running visual composer but my grid will not load. i will have to completly refresh the whole page in order for the grid to show up, which i cant have because the page is ajax. i have music playing while people search so if the page refresh, so does the music. i need the grid to work without refreshing. can anyone help? thanks.
someone that know how to program ajax level 3 and is familiar with visual composer. please be a level 3, i've had issues with level 1 people before.
please order me now
i have ajax experts in my team i will helpo you fix the issue
its really simple task,, i can fix this ajax issue.. could you please show me the page? you do not get panic about of my level 1, because, i am 4 years experienced in web development.
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