I am looking for someone to make/create a new and unique website for people to rate and compare. They can choose who they like more, who they think is hotter, how they would rank that person or subject. For example, they can choose between Alicia Keys and Megan Good. If they choose Alicia Keys they would press on her picture and then rate her. Afterward, they can go into detail and rank her to see where she stacks up with other people in their circles. They can also rank her in there own line up to see where she would be ranked from 1 to 10 or more etc. The categories and subjects are endless. From famous people to celebrities, Cars, vacation spots, living locations, brands, products and so much more. The concept is to build a platform for people to give their opinions and compare their taste with new found friends and old ones. People are required to subscribe to the site to have a full access. I can give more info if needed.
Must be able to program for the ground up and build out a fairly simple website. Also, all source codes are to be included when work is completed. All work is the right of the buyer and will be used for commercial applications.
as i have a lot of experience of making websites through wix and xprs, so in order to get your own domain, there are charges based on monthly or annual basis. in order to get your domain, you need to pay first because the domains like .com, .net aur really very expensive. if you are not willing to buy your domain, then i will setup your own user ac
hey there,
i can build you the website which you exactly want. so lets chat and i will give you more details to what we can do for your website.
will develop the website within 14-20 days of order. will include the login & signup system and the rating system. totally build from scratch. can also use wordpress or other cms. will setup for you. 30 days support after completion. order now.
this costs a lot more than you think, i'm sorry to say that.
but i can do this for $150
i hope you'll choose me, hit me up in private messages and i'll guide you to what i'll do!
thank you.
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Have a wonderful day.
Kindly check this link:
And check versus section.
I will be happy if you join with me:https://supn.co/r/263 . I think your website will be versus type. After taking website, web hosting and wp login fetails I shall take 400$ for creating a debate type website for you.
Centurion Hello
Have a wonderful day.
Kindly check this link:
And check versus section.
I will be happy if you join with me:https://supn.co/r/263 . I think your website will be versus type. After taking website, web hosting and wp login fetails I shall take 400$ for creating a debate type website for you.
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