
I need somebody to correct a problem with JQuery on my magento website

I need somebody to correct a problem with JQuery on my magento website

Hi , I have a magento website and i have a problem with Jquery , is a simple task !
On some products page the content is displayed properly , jquery is loaded good , but on some of them is broken , should be a conflict ! I have a message error on console on those pages , i will post a prinscreen here !
The project should be compleated ASAP !


javascript , jquery , magento , php

Skills Required

Magento Jquery Javascript Php


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For any kind of web designing task you can contact with me. For more you can visit my services. Thanks.

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Please don't bid more than 15$ , if i put the maximum 15$ why somebody would go above?

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Bid On Listing Created 8 years ago in Programming

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