
modify optimizepress blog them

modify optimizepress blog them

looking for help with creating a child theme in the optimizepress blog settings that uses a no-sidebar template. Optimizepress is a membership site theme for wordpress and has three blog templates , all using a sidebar. We want to modify one of them to default with no sidebar. Fairly simple mod for someone that knows php and css. Just copying an existing template and making the modification. Should be no more than two hours work.


make template from existing child theme template that eliminates sidebar

Skills Required

Php Css Html


i will complete this, for you with in two hours, if you order now, i will complete in next two hours, thanks waiting for your response for next time minutes ,

i can do this for you

thanks for posting a good job

i am ready to assist you on this project

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Bid On Listing Created 11 years ago in Programming

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