
WTB a USB loaded program that will scan hard drive for specific sites

WTB a USB loaded program that will scan hard drive for specific sites

Here is what I am trying to accomplish--for the men's and women's groups at my church.

I would like a program I could load onto a USB drive

When the USB drive is opened there would be two folders--marked USER and OTHER

In the USER folder I would like a customizable list of sites or words the USER can choose from, as well as an option to load a keylogger and email log results to a USER entered email address.

In the OTHER folder I would like for there to be a quick load program that would take the input from the USER folder (list of sites and words) and scour the USER hard drive for that information. Based on the choices made-a log could be created and emailed to the USER, and /or an ongoing keylogger type log could be created and sent to the email the USER inputted earlier.

As an example-want to measure how much time a person spends on sports related websites.

USER would be the spouse/partner. She might choose from a customizable list of sites (that I create as "ADMIN" for lack of a better term) that might include,, and She wants to know how much time is wasted and not spent on the family.

She loads the USB drive on partner's pc / laptop. "Double clicks" on folder marked OTHER and the program launches. The program compiles a list of times logged in and spent (whether password protected / member or not) in each site. Based on the previous choices made by USER-she would have an initial report sent to her, and possibly keylogger type reports sent on a daily basis.


Finished product would need to conform to the description. AND it must be a program(s) that I can easily load onto multiple USB devices to give away to church members.

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