
Offline Marketing - Product Placement

Offline Marketing - Product Placement

Giuelith Breweries GmbH is a medium-scale brewery that is located in the growing industrial center of Frankfurt, Germany. This is a relatively new business in its start-up phase having been incorporated recently. Giuelith Breweries GmbH search for people with ideas and opportunities for Product Placement (Embedded Marketing) to a relative cost. We know that here at Seoclerk there are many creative studios, people, consultants and agencies working with these things, we therefore sent out this opportunity to you to participate in the branding process of our company. Please read the attached doc. for further information.


The marketing strategy will be based mainly on ensuring customers know what need the product(s) is able to fulfill, and making the right product and information available to the right target customer. Hence we intend to implement a market penetration strategy that will ensure that we are well known and respected in our respective industry. We will ensure that our products' prices take into consideration people's budgets, and that these people appreciate the product(s) and know that it exists, including where to find it. However these prices will also take into consideration the cost of production and distribution so as to ensure that we remain viable and operational. The marketing effort will convey the sense of quality and satisfaction in every picture, every promotion, and every publication. Our promotional strategy will involve integrating advertising, events, personal selling, public relations and direct marketing. In the long term Internet marketing shall also be undertaken, details of which are provided in the marketing section of the following plan.

Our target markets will primarily constitute the corporate and working class who appreciate good quality traditional beer. The working class will range from the miners, who constitute a large portion of the market, to administrative personnel appreciative of good quality traditional beer. The corporate or managerial segment will constitute those managers, who though aware of their image and reputation, want to put aside their ties and jackets after hours and/or on weekends to drink good traditional beer, easily accessible in the urban areas. The common bond will be the appreciation of a good-quality traditional brew able to fulfill their thirst. Giuelith is primarily targeting a market share of 6% to attain sales of approximately $1.5 million in our initial year or 2020. Giuelith Breweries GmbH will pride itself on its production ability, competitive prices, its high standards of quality and its adaptability to changes in the market and in the method of its practice.

It is important to recognize that we do not intend that our tangible resources alone will make us potent competitors but more so our intangibles, such as our ability to relate to consumers, management style, corporate culture and commitment. These elements will differentiate us from our competitors and contribute towards the development of a sustainable competitive advantage.

We intend to compensate our personnel well, so as to retain their invaluable expertise and to ensure job satisfaction and enrichment through delegation of authority. Our compensation will include health care, generous profit sharing, plus a minimum of three weeks vacation. As an equal opportunity employer, we respect the diversity and human rights of our people, and strive to achieve optimal productivity, while realizing each employee's full potential. Awards will be given out to outstanding individuals, groups and plants for hard work and production so as to instill a sense of fun and promote the maintenance of high standards. By encouraging all employees close to our customers to think tactically about what Giuelith Breweries GmbH service offerings should be, and by having enthusiastic, capable and empowered people interacting with our customers, we build the competitive advantage of being able to meet our customers' needs better than anyone else.

Giuelith Breweries GmbH intends to provide the customer with more than just a traditional brew. We intend to provide a quality brew that will not only be refreshing and pleasurable, but also encourage gatherings and sharing of fun. Our customers are assured of products that have been produced using the highest quality standards.

Skills Required

Marketing Business Industry Seo Sem Design


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Bid On Listing Created 6 years ago in Other

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