
I need someone to do auto seo in wordpress site

I need someone to do auto seo in wordpress site

Hey freelancers.I have a wordpress site which contains more than 1000 articles.Now I want someone who can add a system which can automatically add the focus keyword and meta description.
The main problem I am facing is,it takes a lot of time to do manually and also not done properly.That is why I want the system.But let me tell you that I already added yoast seo premium plugin and now just want to seo optimize all the articles automatically and add focus keyword and meta description automatically too.

I hope you understand what problem I am facing.Check the meta description.I want it to be posted like normal and also want the focus keyword added automatically because it's not possible for me to add focus keyword in 1000+ articles.
If you think that you are capable enough to do it according to my budget then bid or else stay away.Looking for long time worker because I have more sites.


must work professionally

Skills Required



that's because of adsense code at the beginning of the article, there's a plugin from which we can control adds with single click, i'll fix with it.


i am nishant shah have an experience in wordpressinstallation and customization, woocommerce customization and other ecommerce

i have worked on various themes including divi, betheme,themify builders and others, wordpress demo install work and solving wordpress

portfolio site -

i can do any coustomization in wordpress site. visit my site order me for your perfect work. thanks


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Bid On Listing Created 7 years ago in Other

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