
Build Theme for SHOPIFY

Build Theme for SHOPIFY

I need somebody who builds a SEO friendly template for ecommerce service SHOPIFY. I will give example images and exact hints. You are also a bit free to design. One main site and about 6-8 sub pages.

IMPORTANT: You should know shopify's template language Liquid and how it works to do this job !!!

Important points are:
Mobile Support Built-In / Responsive design like Bootstrap, Skeletton,...
Flexible Theme Options
Customer Support

If you want to do the job please make sure you fullfill the requirements!!!


Important points are:
Mobile Support Built-In / Responsive design like Bootstrap, Skeletton,...
Flexible Theme Options

Skills Required

Css Html Programming


i m no?t a web designer but i have a premium shopify wp templa?tes

hi buddy,
i can help you out to build seo friendly, responsive ecommerce template for shopify.
here is my website link for more detail -
i am providing quality work in very affordable price.
pl contact me, will discuss it in detail.

i will make simple website for you


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Bid On Listing Created 10 years ago in Other

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