
One cycle of work takes about one minute! The main task is copy and paste.

One cycle of work takes about one minute! The main task is copy and paste.

Please publish ads on my behalf.

You don’t need to create any text.
All you have to do is log into my blog’s admin panel, copy the article title and URL, and paste them.
You can also download images from the blog and use them.

For someone familiar with a computer, one cycle of this task takes about one minute.
I am considering a reward of less than $0.01 per cycle.
This means $0.01 × 100 cycles = $1 in total.

I will provide detailed instructions later.


The task can be done from a smartphone, but it is significantly faster on a computer.

I want to publish at least 1,000 ads, and if possible, up to 10,000 ads.

Based on this, please let me know your desired rate per cycle and how many tasks you can complete.

Skills Required

Copy amp paste


i want to work this job one cycle of copy and paste,the main copy and paste plz morinformation me .


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Bid On Listing Created 2 months ago in Other

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