
Cryptocurrency posts and comments on subreddit for new traders

Cryptocurrency posts and comments on subreddit for new traders

We have a subreddit for those new to cryptocurrency and trading. I'm looking for individuals with established Reddit accounts familiar with crypto trading to help build momentum and keep the content fresh.

Right now, the goal is to find folks to engage with the community through, in order of importance, posts, comments, and upvotes.

New posts that are relevant to beginners cryptocurrency trading are the most important. We are NOT looking for folks to provide only upvotes or comments. Ideally there would be a healthy mix of all three.


  • Create at least 4 quality posts in the subreddit. These should be actual posts with your own content but they do not have to be long. Even a couple paragraphs could be sufficient for some posts.
  • Upvote at least 6 existing posts and 8 existing comments.
  • Post at least 6 comments on existing posts.

Skills Required

Cryptocurrency Trading Reddit


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Bid On Listing Created 4 years ago in Forums

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