
Wordpress Adminstrator and content updating for web company needed

Wordpress Adminstrator and content updating for web company needed

i develop websites & need help with someone who can copy and feed content onto new websites that i make.

adding content to the new website is easy. We use Visual Composer with wordpress.
We require that you know how to add content on wordpress using visual composer.
visual composer makes it easy to manage content on websites.

We have tons of project lined up and need help.
I will be paying around $10 - $20USD depending on the work to copy content from website to another.

contact me urgently.



* know how to use wordpress
*Should know how to use Visual Composer by WPbakery
*Should know some photoshop to resize images etc
* should know how to structure content to make look good.

Skills Required



i am professional wordpress developer i can help you


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Bid On Listing Created 12 years ago in Data Entry

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