
Get me minimum 500 play store developer emails

Get me minimum 500 play store developer emails

go to play store on google.

find new apps that have been released and get me the developer emails. it is always listed on the app listing near the bottom.

BUT we dont want very big company developers e.g whatsapp, google, twitter, candy crush, King, roveo etc...

we are looking for small to medium or new companies or indie or independent developers.

we are selling promotion to them.

very easy copy paste work, can be done is less than one hour

What you will give me:
a spreadsheet with 2 columns
play store link - developer email


What you will give me:
a spreadsheet with 2 columns
play store link - developer email

Skills Required

Dataentry Internet Google


please order me. i am new here i want to work with you long-term

i am ready to do this job.

inbox plz.i will collect it for you.

dear sir,
i read your work request and totally understand which type of work you want. i am a freelancer and done many this type jobs in past. i will manage all your data on excel sheets and try to done your work asap.
if you you have any type of question or confusion please contact me i will clear your confusions.

please order me now

i will ready to give you valid 500 pay store developer email.

hello, the real rio,

i'm highly interested to take this task. i will collect 500 email addresses of small to medium or new companies or indie or independent developers for your promotion. it will be delivered in a spreadsheet of two columns within 24 hours.

regards, caffeinatedguy.

  • Media
    ZED Level 2
  • order now!

    hello what's up

    i'll provide you 550 email address only for $6 so sir order my service i'll wait for your
    order.bye bye have a nice day.

    best regards
    mausom das

    i'm highly interested to take this task. i will collect 500 email addresses of small to medium or new companies or indie or independent developers for your promotion. it will be delivered in a spreadsheet of two columns within 24 hours.


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    Bid On Listing Created 8 years ago in Data Entry

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