
100 Page data entry work PDF to MS-Word or other Typing Work for $20

100 Page data entry work PDF to MS-Word or other Typing Work for $20

Dear All Sir,I will give you special 100 page data entry workPDF to MS-Word only for $50. If you order me, then I will deliver your workvery accurately. I work with data entry as well as seoclerks. I have7 years of experience to this work. I'm minimum 12 hour active the seoclerk.
I'm provisional Data Entry worker.My hand speed is 70-80 wards per minute.


I am a good Ms-word, Ms-Excel, Pdf worker. PDF files are one of the mostused document format at both personal and business level. PDF files retain the formatting and visual appearance of every file, making it perfect for manuals,publications and forms, etc. Furthermore, it is also really hard to edit a PDF file, adding a layer of protection to official content such as statements,comics, accounts and graphic intensive content.
I'm 100% Guarantee to complete your work for 100page dataentry work PDF to MS-Word.My Service :
1. Deliver the work perfectly
2. Deliver the work in time
3. Typing from pdf to ms word
4. Typing from image to ms word

Skills Required

Da Dataentry Comp Computer Inte Internet Html Css Javascript Jquery Bootstrap Wordpress Web Design Deve


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I am intrested i am convert pdf to ms word if yiu are intrested then inbox me

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Myself Sudhir

Are you looking for someone to conversion your file?

if yes!!

you are in the right place.

I am data entry specialist and have five years experience in this field. I will convert pdf in any format. I will provide the best quality and effective work for you because i never compromise with my work.

I look forward to working with you on not just this project but on future projects too.

My service details are below-

-PDF to Word,Excel,Power Point

-Any kind of data entry

-PNG,JPG to word,excel,Power Point

-Edit and design PDF

What you will get:

100% High-quality work

100% Error-free work

100% on- time delivery Unlimited provisions.

If you have any question or requirements about this trade, feel free to ask me. I will back to you as early as possible.

Have a good day.

Thank you

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Complete any type of Data Entry work, 45 hours $50

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data entry work PDF to MS-Word or other Typing Work for $20

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Bid On Listing Created 8 years ago in Data Entry

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