I need around 30 NEW topics to my Xbox Forum, as well as 100 post replies to them. Topics and posts are to be spread around (roughly) evenly across the forums 7 main subforums. Cannot be made from the same user account, but registration is simple and doesn't require a confirmed e-mail.
The price is negotiable, the most important thing is that this is done with class.
URL will be disclosed to the chosen bidder.
You must be fluent in English.
You must post from different user accounts. Say at least 10 different ones.
Posts and topics are to be of high quality, not just random stuff put together.
i will manually create 10 new accounts and manually make 30 new threads and 100 replies between each account for $15.
i am an xbox gamer and have knowledge to make all posts and new threads relevant, i am also fluent in english so all posts will be made in full english and will be of great quality.