
Posting on forums. Targeted posts, no spamming.

Posting on forums. Targeted posts, no spamming.

Looking for backlinks from forums. It should be a dofollow link with our without anchor text. I am paying $3 for each verified link. Links will go to the website. So basically you sign up on a forum and post to a thread. Post should have a link. Post should make sense and related to a certain niche (see requirments)


1. Forums must be related to Internet Marketing in general, Email Marketing, anything related to emailing or promotions though email marketing.

2. Thread where post is posted should not be a dead thread like more than 3 months with no replies.

3. No forums or thread stuffed with spam links.

4. It has nothing to do with spamming on forums. Post must be targeted.

5. Post should stay there at least for 3 days until verified so I make sure it is not deleted by moderator.

Skills Required

Forum Profile


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no the moderated forums accepts links in posts or replies. its tough to get the link from those high moderated worth websites. i am forum staff of letsforum (kevinmax) with 437 posts. if you want i will add you in my signature for 30 days.


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Bid On Listing Created 11 years ago in Forum Posts

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