I need some to help me design my blogger blog like https://rayse13.blogspot.com
within two days.
Please pay a visit to that https://rayse13.blogspot.com and check if you can do it before contacting me.
Must have full knowledge about Blogger
Must able to edit Blogger template
i can give you exactly blogger template like https://rayse13.blogspot.com/
i have 10+ years of experience in blogging and blogger tips & tricks.
my dear potential client,
i read your post carefully and read your proposal carefully. i am a profesional web developer (front-end & wordpress expert). i have vast experience using html5, css3, bootstrap, javascript, jquery, php, and wordpress. i’ve worked on so many website on wordpress before, and from my exp
order if any people needs order me
i can do this. because i have a also blog site. i can design your blog like a pro. befor order you can see my blog site..than you can decide is i'm perfect for this job.....
i can create your website as you need.
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