
COPY or Scrape 10,15 or 20 blogpost/Contents to my WP Website.

COPY or Scrape 10,15 or 20 blogpost/Contents to my WP Website.

Please READ well. I am not looking for writters, i'm looking for anyone that can that can COPY or SCRAPE at least 10,15 or 20 blog post/ content irrespective of the age or date.

And please, go through the website before you can p[lace an order here, and more importantly FIRST of all, INBOX me before you order.

I have this wp website, all i'd like you to do is copy/scrape content into the website, in the relevant niche.

I dont care ab out the SEO or what a view, i just want contents/post there.

Please, this project is urgent.

i need it done in couple of hours.


I posted this high up there, i will still do same, in order for you to read well!.
Please READ well. I am not looking for writers, i'm looking for anyone that can that can COPY or SCRAPE at least 10,15 or 20 blog post/content irrespective of the age or date.

And please, go through the website before you can p[lace an order here, and more importantly
FIRST of all, INBOX me before you order.

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------monstrate capacity to be able to do this simple task.

I will give you the access to the wp admin and pswrd if you are working on a simple scraper.

Skills Required

Websites Articlewriting Writing


i can give you 20 scrapped article based on your niche (subject/topic/category). as the articles will be scraped from other website, they will not be unique for your website!!

if you need all article to be posted on your website, additional 10 usd will be charged.

for any query, feel free to ask.

hello, there i can provide you high pr blog sites link and also you will get free laser targeted forum dedicated to your niche.

just talk to me i will show you demo 5 link for test purposes.



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Bid On Listing Created 7 years ago in Blogs

Other jobs by fmbaba01