
Find Me Lawyer Websites To Publish Articles

Find Me Lawyer Websites To Publish Articles

I am looking for someone to find me LAWYER websites that I can post articles on. These must be real lawyer websites or websites/blogs that talk about legal matters, not lawyer directories that allow only lawyer profiles, web 2.0, article directories, PBN, etc. I will accept lawyer directory websites that allow members publish articles.

I need 30 of these sites. I am offering $10 - $15 for the job.

I must approve each and every site you find before you get paid for that site.

That means you must register an account on this website to verify 100% that they allow publishing of articles.


I must approve each website you submit to me. I will only pay for each valid website you present.

Skills Required



dera sir,
my name is antonio. i will do your work but i need almost 10 to 15 days for searching of websites.
and also charge 5$ for each site.

after carefully reading your job requirements.of course, i guarantee you that i'm going to follow your instructions.
i have already more than 30++ law site list. so i hope, i will be able to provide you quality full relevant links.
let's review 1 sample posting links.

i can provide you list of authority website whose da pa is 20+ to 100 on your keywords where you can easily publish your article and got a authority backlinks which help you rank on higher position

hello kay321
have a wonderful day.

i shall search and find out and will register the website and will inform you about to publish the lawyer based article and will provide all website addresses by an excel file.


i will provide list of 50 high pr article publishing websites.


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Bid On Listing Created 7 years ago in Blogs

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