
switch position for url

switch position for url

I need somebody to change my url to post_title/ In short, just switch the position in url in my wordpress blog. I try a few minutes in header.php but can't work. I'm lazy to read 20 wordpress forum page and spend 2 hours on this.


So, I will give you admin logging details. You fix it, notify me and I change back my password. People that knows how to do this should not take more than 5 mins. Easy money!!!

Skills Required

Php Html Css


order me i am ready for this i am start your work instant.

hello austin

i can change you link to the correct url. please provide me the details, it can be sort out within 10 minutes.

kind regards.


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For example you want to make this page https://want/Blogs/21075/switch-position-for-url// ?

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Yes! Exactly as what you mentioned.
But I will simply find time to figure it out as I'm not paying 19 USD for such a job.
I mean just to login to my WP and change the title code tag and people wanted 19 dollars?

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Bid On Listing Created 10 years ago in Blogs

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