
Simple Paid to Promote Script

Simple Paid to Promote Script

Looking for someone to design a simple Paid to promote script.

Here's the little feature I am looking for
Note (It can contain just One or Two pages on Frontend if it works accordingly)

- There will be no signup/login process
- The users will be identified and paid to their Dogecoin Faucethub address. So instead of login details we use their Doge address. Withdrawals to be manual (accepted by admin) after reaching a certain threshold. Need to connect Faucethub API
- Script to have 468*60 and 250*250 and 300*250 banners (that's all)
- Admin can run as many ads as possible on banners (Can run multiple ads at same time *shouldn't be below 8)
- Count only unique views per 1 Hour. (Not 24H)
- Advertisers can pay using Coinpayments API in LTC and in Doge with minimum order of 10000, Etc impression. CPM rates to be setup by admin
- Admin can view impressions and clicks on each served by a website
- Admin can set CPM rate for publishers.
- Admin have option to disable a website. Although website will be automatically approved.
- Admin can ban address if ever wished to.
-Favicon on banners
- Ability to decrease payout request . Eg, If someone requested payment of 1 Dogecoin Admin can edit and send 0.8 instead.

That's all.

For API you can read Coinpayments and Faucethub API documentation. (Easy to integrate)

Some website you can check so you can know what I am looking for.

For Advertisers order you can check (Just for ordering impressions part)

Any additional work to make it look good or to ease its use will be appreciated.

I would be happy if you can make banners responsive.

Note : This is not a CPM/CPC etc based Ads script. But just a simple PTP script. You can ever copy paste the Front end from the above sites mentioned. .



Skills Required

Css Html Php


please order me at low cost,
i am designer, what i will show you at my inbox.

promote on your self


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Bid On Listing Created 7 years ago in Banner Ads

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